Donate Online to the Manoa Holiday Fund!

It’s almost time for the big shopping weekend to start.. and time for Manoa’s Holiday Fund!

Every year during the holiday season, the Manoa PTO sponsors the Holiday Fund. The funds raised from this drive are used to purchase something for the school that benefits all the grades. The item is usually nominated by the teachers and given in their name. In years past, we were able to purchase Smartboards and iPads for the classes.

In the past, parents have elected to donate to the Holiday Fund instead of purchasing individual teacher gifts. Manoa PTO is a non-profit organization under IRS Code section 501(c) (3) and is recognized as a Public Charity under section 509 (a) (2). Your donation may be tax deductible and/or eligible for your employer’s matching contribution program.

If you would like to be a part of this year’s Holiday Fund, there is now a link on the right hand side labeled “Holiday Fund Donations”. You can click on the link and it will take you right to the Manoa PTO paypal account.

The names of the families who donated will be presented to Dr. Ramoundos and displayed in the school office with the names of the families, not the amount given, who participated in the fund.

Thank You!